Kubota, Takeshi
Research Interests:
Fabrication of high performance soft magnetic alloys. Synthesis of soft magnetic materials, non equilibrium metallic materials and multi ferroic materials with functional/useful properties, and their related technology particularly materials processing of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys with magnetic softness. Formulation and evaluation of electric system for renewable energy. Fabrication of low rotation speed-typed electric generator.
Selected publications
- Kimura, T. Kubota, T. Yamamoto, S Fukuoka and Y. Furuya, “Heat Treatment Effect on Magnetic Properties in Rapidly Solidified Co-Fe Alloy”, Journal of Japan Research Institute of Metals and Materials, 79, 441-446, (2015).
- Kubota, T. Okazaki, N. Endo, K. Mikami and Y. Furuya, “Output characteristics in Fe–Pd/PZT/Fe–Pd magneto-electric composites with Fe–Pd thick layer”, Sensor & Actuator A, 200, 11-15, (2013).
Mail: kubott@hirosaki-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81-172-39-3301 (direct)